Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from January 17, “Why We Pray”
We emphasize prayer a lot here. Each week I type up the requests that come out of our Sunday services so that we can remember them throughout the week. We believe in prayer. We believe we have a God who can and does answer prayer. But is that all prayer is? What are we to think when the prayers seem to go unanswered? I’m sure I’m not the only one who has asked at some point in his journey why we pray at all. God is sovereign and is going to do what He is going to do.
What is prayer really? Is it simply the means by which we express our wish list for God, or is it meant to be something more? It will always have the aspect of supplication, since we are in communication with the Creator of all things, infinitely greater than ourselves. Thus it will also involve worship and submission to His will. But I haven’t mentioned the most wonders characteristic of prayer. It is an open door to a relationship with this almighty being who greatly desires that we enter in. He knows us, loves us anyway, and wants us to know Him; truly know Him.
During this time of trouble, I imagine many of us have put in more prayer time than we might have in happier days, but has it been quality time? Have we left space amidst our cries of pain to hear the still small voice speaking to us? Are we so focused on our troubles that we cannot hear the very words that would comfort and bring healing?
we know that Jesus Himself spent a lot of time in prayer. On one such occasion, His disciples asked that He teach them how to pray. His answer is notable for its brevity. We know from examples of Jesus’ own prayers as well as those of his followers recorded elsewhere in scripture that Jesus is not setting down a liturgy to be repeated. Rather He is describing the attitudes with which we approach God in prayer. He then follows up with assurances that our Heavenly Father is ready and waiting for us to come to Him, and faithful to answer. Our text is from Luke 11:1-13.