Message by Larry Thacker Jr from January 19, “I AM”
I was once asked why it is that the Lord’s name, Yahweh, given to Moses at the burning bush and recorded in Exodus, chapter 3, is not widely used or taught by churches. I suggested that it probably has more to do with tradition and familiarity than anything else. Only recently have we seen some bible translations begin to use it where it is appropriate. But we might not need to make too much of this. The apostles quoted from a Greek translation of the Old Testament that rendered His name the same way most translations still do today. If they didn’t make an issue of it, we probably shouldn’t either.
I think that every Christian should know His name, but there is more to a name than the letters or sounds we used to express it. Yahweh chose His name for it’s meaning. When he gives it to Moses, we see this first, “I AM”. There is no better description of Him. He defines existence. He is beyond space and time. He cannot be defined, because he is the definition.
In the New Testament, that name never occurs. What happened? In a word, Jesus! In Hebrew His name would be known as Yeshua, or Yashua. That is, Yahweh saves, or Yahweh is salvation. The name didn’t go anywhere. It was given to the Son. He Himself said, “before Abraham was, I am.”.