Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from January 2, “The Kingdom in Action”
In Matthew 21:28-32, we find another parable that Jesus gave with a very pointed message. To understand it more completely, we need the context of events surrounding it, so it will be helpful to read all of chapter 21 before listening. Jesus is now in His last week of ministry, and he’s turning up the pressure. Make no mistake, Jesus has been in control of this process all along, and he knows what will happen and when. Now He puts the Pharisees on notice. They have missed the very thing they hoped for while it was right in front of them. Their pride and lust for power blinded them to it. But the sinners, the tax collectors (considered traitors to their nation) and the prostitutes believed and it changed their lives.
Jesus makes an interesting statement at this point. Speaking of the teaching of John the Baptist, He says, “and you, seeing this, did not even feel remorse afterward so as to believe him.” (v. 32) This is why I say that the lives were changed. John had two major points to his message. “Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand,” (Mt 3:2, also part of Jesus’ message Mt 4:17) and “He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals;” (Mt 3:11) The sinners believed. For there to be anything to see here, something about those sinners must have changed, so that Jesus could say that upon observing their belief the Pharisees should have reconsidered. He said in paraphrase, “These people whom you despise are getting into God’s kingdom ahead of you.” The greatest sign of God’s kingdom is a changed life. We would do well to consider this as we plan our way forward.