Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from January 21, “When God Prayed for You, Part 2”
We continue in John Chapter 17 with verses 6-11. Jesus is praying, and he now turns his attention to his disciples. He notes that the father has given them to Him and that He has revealed the character and nature of the Father to them. They believed His words, and He was glorified through them. Jesus makes a point that this prayer is for them and not for the world. He then makes an amazing request, “Holy Father, keep them in Your name, the name which You have given Me, that they may be one even as We are.”
The theme of unity is expressed repeatedly in this prayer and follows Jesus’ teaching on how they, and we by extension, ought to love each other. He desires for them, and for us (see John 17:20-23) the same kind of unity that He has with the Father! How is that even possible? Does the church today look like that prayer is being answered? Be assured, it will be answered. The only question is whether we will cooperate willingly.