Message by Larry Thacker Jr from January 5, “Be Strong and Courageous”
Joshua 1:9 reads, “Did I not command you? Be strong and courageous! Do not fear or be dismayed, for Yahweh your God is with you wherever you go.” (Lexham English Bible) This is part of the Lord’s commission to Joshua as he is given the charge to lead the Israelites into the promised land in the place of Moses. As we read the surrounding scripture, we find this command repeated 6 times beginning at Deuteronomy 31:6: once from Moses to the people, twice from Moses to Joshua, and 3 times from God Himself to Joshua.
We think of these adjectives, strong and courageous, as qualities one either possesses or doesn’t. We know they must be developed, but we think of them in the present tense. How then can we be strong when we are weak, and courageous when what we feel is fear? If God commands it, there must be a way. The answer is in the verse we just quoted, “Yahweh your God is with you.” Our strength is His strength. Our courage comes from knowing that the power that created the universe is on our side and will never leave us.
I believe that god is telling us at Bartimaeus Baptist Temple, “Be strong and courageous! Complete the mission that I have given you. Be the light that the blind may see. Speak the word that the deaf may hear. Smooth the way that the lame may walk. I am with you always”