Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from January 7, “When God Prayed for You, Part 1”
John Chapter 17 is very special because it contains Jesus’s prayer for us! John has included a great deal of detail in his gospel so that we cannot miss the deity of Jesus as well as His humanity. He is the son of God, and He is also God. Therefor it may be said that God prayed for you! If you wish to know His heart, I can think of no better place to start.
Scholars typically divide John 17 into 3 sections. In verses 1-5, which we will cover this week, he prays for “Himself.” In verses 6-19, he prays for the disciples, and in verses 20-26 for all who would believe through their teaching. That would be you and me. However, the whole of this prayer has application for all of us.
Jesus began His prayer by declaring that His time had come. Within hours, he would be arrested, tried and crucified. In that which appeared to be His final defeat was actually His victory and glorification. The price would be paid and the way opened that we can know God. So, even as he asks His Father to restore His glory, he askes for our sake. To know God is to know life eternal. Hear the heart of God, and rejoice!