Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from January 8, “Believe Him!”
We continue our study with John 4:43-54. Last time we explored the well-known story of the Samaritan woman that Jesus confronted at the well. The result of that exchange was a whole village turned to belief in Jesus because that woman couldn’t wait to share what she found, or rather, who found her. Jesus’s disciples also learned an important lesson, that He came for all, even those whom they considered unworthy. This week we will see how Jon continues this theme. Now His grace will be extended to a roman official who begged Him to heal his dying son. John doesn’t tell us this man’s ethnicity, but as a nobleman in service to the Romans, he might have been even more despised if Jewish than he would have been as a gentile.
The questions I hope we will consider as we examine this text are these:
- How do you define belief? Is it something you think is true, or something more?
- In what or in whom do you believe?
- Does your belief lead you to action?
- You have the words of Jesus available to you. Do you believe Him?
- What are you going to do about it?