Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from July 11, “Lessons from Little Dogs”
I think it is safe to say that at some point in our lives all of us will come to a time of great need. Knowing that the Lord is our source, we pray and look to God and His word for answers. We know that He is sovereign. We know that He is good. But sometimes the answers don’t come. Sometimes they are not what we wanted them to be. Sometimes as we read our Bible we find things that seem to add to the confusion rather than clear it up.
Here is an example. It’s the story of the Syrophoenician woman, found in Matthew 15:21-28. Here the man we know as a healer isn’t interested in healing. The one who taught us compassion doesn’t seem to have much for this desperate woman. Though He finally grants her request, His initial response to her might seem to us to be degrading and insulting.
What is happening here? Why did Matthew and Mark feel that among the many things that Jesus did, (John said it was impossible to write them all down.) this was particularly important? My studies have not yielded an iron-clad answer, but there are some great lessons for us here. Listen as we explore them.