Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from July 4, “The Truth Will Set You Free”
We celebrate freedom, and well we should. But what do we mean by freedom? Do we really have a right to it? Some don’t think so. Our founders thought we did. What makes us free? Is it the law, the society we live in, or something greater?
If we exclude God from the picture, there’s really no such thing as freedom. We’re all just machines running out our programming. Of course, then one has to believe that something as complex as a human being can grow out of nothing with no intelligence to direct the process, but that’s another conversation.
Jesus summed it up in one phrase, “the truth will set you free.” We can argue over the foundation of the United States. We can debate what is good and what is bad about it. Some things are true and others are not, but none of it is significant unless we get a hold of the only truth that really matters, the truth of Jesus and His word. Whenever and however we celebrate our freedom, let us consider the true source of freedom. Read John 8:31-36.