Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from July 9, “A Precious Gift”
Our progress through the book of John now takes us to Chapter 12, and a story that should be familiar. It’s one of the few where John covers the same event as the other gospel writers, adding some details that they did not record. Jesus has returned to Bethany, where he had recently raised Lazarus from the dead. We find Him sharing a meal with the family, during which Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus, pours expensive perfume on the feet of Jesus and wipes them with her hair. In the other accounts, she pours it on His head. Evidently, she did both.
Some of the other dinner guests, His disciples included, were not impressed with this gesture. Judas in particular complained of the waste, saying it would have been much better to sell it and give to the poor. John let’s us know that Judas’ motivation was far from pure. Jesus set them straight. What Mary did had a significance far greater than she would have known. Let’s dig in. (John 12:1-8)