Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from June 27, “The Heart of the Matter”
If you hear something about the heart in church, chances are we aren’t talking about that thing in your body that pumps blood, though as we age that one does come up in prayer requests a lot more. What do we mean? Our culture recognizes the heart as the source of deep emotion, courage, and compassion. We use the symbol as a stand-in, albeit a cheapened one, for love.
The Bible uses the word in a similar way, but with a deeper meaning. You’ve heard the call to give your heart to Jesus. What are we saying? Let’s look more deeply at what the Bible has to say about the heart. This will be more of a concept study than an exposition of one passage, but we will use Psalm 51:15-17 as our foundation as we get to “The Heart of the Matter”.

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