Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from June 30: He’ll Be the Judge of That
Our text is from Romans 14:1-12. Sometimes we seem determined to find fault. I think many times this is an unconscious defense against the flaws we see in our own character, but whatever the reason, it’s a destructive tendency. This passage addresses issues specific to the people and time when it was written, but it contains useful instruction for us today that goes beyond the obvious application. It’s hard to be in unity if we’re pointing out each others’ faults and presenting ourselves as somehow better or more holy. Obvious sin does need to be confronted, and Jesus gives us the process and the redemptive objective of applying it in Matthew 18, but too often we are the ones committing the greater sin with our criticism. We may be right, but it is better to be righteous. We should extend the same grace to others that we have received from God, and that’s a lot of grace.