Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from June 6, “Speak No Evil”
Every so often I will see a book title or headline on the subject of dealing with difficult people. We all known them. There’s no denying that some people are more challenging to be around than others, but what strikes me about such advice is often the presumption that it’s all their fault. I suppose one doesn’t sell many books by blaming the reader, but sometimes we need to examine ourselves first.
Especially within the church, we should be approaching our relationships with a different attitude. That takes a change of heart, and what is in our hearts is what will come from our mouths. In Ephesians, Chapter 4, we see a theme of unity within the body of Christ, with Jesus as the head. Paul instructs us to build each other up in love, working together as do all the parts of a body. We will focus on Ephesians 4:29-32. Paul’s instruction continues on, but these verses summarize some important keys to living and working together as He has commanded us.