Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from March 14, “God Is Not Mocked”
“What goes around comes around.” “He had it coming.” “They deserved it.” We hear things like that all the time. We have a sense of justice, and generally expect that eventually one’s actions will catch up to them. We’re quick to judge the actions of others, but not so quick to judge our own. We expect others to consider our motivations, but tend not to extend the same grace to them. We are all in need of mercy.
We know and teach that God grants that mercy. Does that mean we’re free to do as we please? We all know better, but we don’t always act like it. We say things like, “You can’t judge me.”, or a church favorite, “you’re being legalistic.” Sometimes we are legalistic. Sometimes we are too quick to judge. Sometimes that judgment serves as a cover for our own weaknesses.
In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he writes primarily to confront the assault upon the good news of grace by those from the Jewish tradition who were attempting to add the necessity of keeping the Jewish law to the message of salvation. The Galatians were being swayed by their arguments. He explains the purpose of the law, declares the sufficiency of faith in Christ, and concludes with instruction of discernment and holy living. Keeping the law cannot bring salvation. Freedom from law does not give license for sin. Paul makes this plain as he begins to wrap up his letter. We read from Galatians 6:1-10.