Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from March 17: Worship Is A Lifestyle
Christians use the word, “worship,” a lot. We have worship services, worship centers, worship music, and a host of teachers ready to instruct us on how to worship properly. What is worship? Is it the songs we sing? Is it the act of meeting together every week? Is it standing in the aisle with your hands up in the air?
There are several words both in the old and new testaments that may be translated as worship, but there are two common themes. The first is to bow, kneel, or prostrate oneself before a superior or a god. The second is to serve. In these two things, humility and service, we find the essence of worship.
So yes, the thanks we call worship may indeed be considered worship if they come from our hearts. Heaven itself is filled with the praises of Yahweh most high. There is indescribable joy when we give ourselves to him in adoration and begin to sense His awesome presence through His Holy Spirit. I would that we see more of that. But part of getting there is having our hearts right. Worship doesn’t start at the sanctuary door. Worship is a lifestyle.