Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from March 22, “Disabling Fear”
As we look around us right now, we see a lot of fear. People are cleaning out store shelves as if preparing for the apocalypse. Restaurants are closed, events are canceled, and the media breathlessly covers each new revelation with no sense of proportion. How much of this is warranted? The answer depends on who you ask, but I wonder if we are not seeing an illustration of the disabling power of unchecked fear writ large across the whole world.
Is there reason for concern? Absolutely! The virus is real and it can be fatal, especially for those who are elderly and/or already facing health challenges. Apparently people can carry and spread it without showing any symptoms themselves. To ignore these facts is to be irresponsible and perhaps to “put the Lord our God to the test.” But what is a reasonable response?
I’m not sure shutting down the society and ruining the economy was really necessary. I suspect that our fear has caused us to overreact. I could be wrong about that, but one thing I do know. We who trust in our creator have no reason to fear. Remember the story of the disciples crossing the lake when a storm came up? This is the one where Jesus was asleep in the boat. They were afraid they were going to die. That fear would not seem unreasonable under the circumstances, except for that one little detail. God Himself was with them in that boat! That changed everything! (Luke 8:22-25)
We may be headed for some hard times. I hope that this is no more than it seems, the danger will pass, and we will recover, but I have not been given any insight into the future. Whatever storm we face, Jesus is in our boat and we have nothing to fear. Let the wisdom of His Holy Spirit guide you. Be a source of strength and love to those around you.

Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from March 22, “Disabling Fear” — No Comments
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