Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from March 27, “He Calls You Friend!”
I have been reading a book that describes Jesus as our friend. I’ve asked a couple of people if they find that to be a hard thing to imagine. From their responses I gather that I must be the only one, but I think not. Allow me to explain. I certainly know this to be true. Jesus said it Himself, “No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13 CSB) Jesus gave us the ultimate expression of friendship with His own life. But implied in the word friend is relationship. A friend is one with whom you share things in common, spend time, laugh and cry together. He is so great and I am so small. How can we really be friends? I’m not sure I would want to be friends with me. How can it be that the one who is perfect in every way would want to do so?
Oh, but I know that He does! He paid the ultimate price to make it possible. He gave me the Holy Spirit so that we could always be together. He’s always ready to spend time with me, talk with me, and show me that He loves me. I am the one who resists, argues, and tries to hide in shame. Even so, he calls me friend. He is the same way with anyone who follows Him, and reaches out to those who don’t. He wants to be your friend, too!

Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from March 27, “He Calls You Friend!” — No Comments
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