Message by Larry Thacker Jr from March 3, “Who Is Your King?”
Our text is from John 19:1-16. Jesus has been brought before Pilate, and the crowd is demanding that He be crucified. Palate’s behavior is in terns cautious and contemptuous. He taunts the chief priests with their powerlessness by parading the battered Jesus before them as their king, yet tries to release Him, knowing that they have no real case against Him. Yet it is the issue of His kingship that the religious leaders use to convince Pilate to crucify Jesus, saying, ““If you release this man, you are no friend of Caesar; everyone who makes himself to be a king opposes Caesar.” (v. 12)
Pilate chooses convenience over conviction. He serves himself above all. He has already shown his contempt for the truth, and now he will crucify Him. But the greater judgment is for those who should have known better. Jesus said, “…he who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.” (v. 11) Again he taunts them, “Shall I crucify your King?” The chief priests answered, “We have no king but Caesar.” (v. 15)
The chief Priests were without excuse. They had heard Him teach. They knew the scriptures. He was the one, but they rejected Him. We, too, are without excuse. All creation is a testament to Him. His words have been preserved for us. We each must choose. Will we serv the King of kings and the Lord of lords, or give our lives to some lesser king. As much as we might not like being ruled, we will be. Choose the One who died so that you could be part of His royal family. There is really only one other. He is a would-be usurper. He will promise you everything, and take your very soul. Who is your king?