Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from May 9, “God’s Wonder Woman”
Proverbs 31 is probably one of the better known passages of scripture for it’s glowing description of the “excellent wife.” I’ve heard women speak of this passage with dread as a standard they could never meet. The whole of the scripture sets a standard we can never meet. That’s why Jesus had to come.
There’s more here than a depiction of “God’s Wonder Woman.” The book of Proverbs often personifies wisdom in feminine form. Here at the end of the book, it goes a step further and depicts a life governed by this wisdom, specifically the life of a wise woman. It’s actually pretty radical, especially for its time. This woman is Trustworthy, industrious, strong, kind, confident, and optimistic. She does the families business, takes care of their needs, dresses them like royalty, and gives to the poor besides. Little is said of her husband, except that he is a leader in the community, apparently by way of his wife’s reputation. We’re told that she should be given her due. (Proverbs 31:28-31)