Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from November 13, “What Do You Seek?”
We finish up John Chapter 1 with a focus on verses 35-39. This is an account of the beginning of Jesus’ ministry as he begins to gather his first disciples. After John the baptist points Him out as the “lamb of God,” two of John’s disciples begin following Him as He walks. When Jesus notices them, He asks them a simple but powerful question, “What do you seek?”
When speaking to a church, there’s a pretty good chance everyone listening would call themselves followers of Jesus. Some have taken to using the term “Christ follower” instead of Christian, noting that the latter term has become merely a cultural or familial reference. But one may follow for many reasons. Jesus is not content to have picked up a couple of hangers-on. He want’s to know what it is they are truly after.
That’s a good question for us. What do we seek? Is Jesus little more than an insurance man for us? Can we check in with Him once in a while and make sure the fire policy is up to date and then go off on our own way again? Or is He the Christianized equivalent of a genie who will grant us wishes if we make Him happy? Are we seeking His face, or only His hand?
The disciples responded with another question, “Where are you staying?” That was a polite way of asking for a visit. Thus the implied answer is, “we seek You!” We want to be where You are! That is my desire for us as individuals and as a church. I want us to be where Jesus is. I don’t want to be where He’s been and left, trying to get Him to come back. I want to hear His voice and follow Him to where He is staying now and wherever He goes next!