Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from November 19, “Not Of This World”
We continue with our study of John’s gospel in Chapter 15, verses 18-27. Jesus has been preparing His disciples for his immanent departure. He has told them to love each other and showed them what He means. He has told them how to show their love for Him, and these things are connected. He has promised them the Holy Spirit. Now, he tells them how the world is going to respond. It will hate them, just as it hated Him. This is because they are no longer of it. He has called them out.
He has also called us out. When we answer, he begins a transformation within us that makes us something completely alien to the world. We think differently. We act differently. Our values change. At least, these are the things that should happen. If they don’t, we have some tough questions to ask ourselves. In too many churches today, we are trying to make the world love us. If the world loves us, it means we are still a part of it. That makes us His enemies, not His friends. That is not a place we want to be. Let us be known as those who follow Jesus, even to the cross.