Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from November 26, When the Spirit Comes”
We pick up our study with John Chapter 16. As we begin, Jesus is still speaking to the disciples about the persecution that will come to them for the sake of His name. Then, he returns to the topic of His immanent departure and the coming of the Holy Spirit. I believe that one reason he comes back to this topic is to emphasize the role of the Holy Spirit as helper it times of persecution. He has already told them, as recorded by Mark, “And when they lead you away, delivering you up, do not worry beforehand about what you are to say, but say whatever is given to you in that hour; for it is not you who speak, but it is the Holy Spirit.” (13:11) Now, He provides more insight into the action of the Holy Spirit in the world and in the life of a disciple. Jesus is no longer with us in the flesh, but the Holy Spirit is always with us, and in is. He speaks for Jesus, and he directs all glory to Jesus.
We have instances in scripture where the Father is worshiped. We also have accounts of Jesus receiving worship both on Earth and in Heaven. We have no such accounts of the Holy Spirit receiving worship. It is not that He isn’t worthy of it. He, too, is God. But He directs all attention to Jesus and to the Father.
Yet, it is the Holy Spirit whose presence we sense. It is the Holy Spirit who speaks to our spirits. It is He who guides us to the truth and warns us away from error. It is He who lives within us and desires to have that communion with us. He is the Spirit of almighty God, and that is a wonder beyond words. You have the potential, even the right as a child of God, conferred by Jesus at the cross, to be in the presence of your creator, and to have His presence within you! What an awesome thing! Even to think about it makes me want to get up from my chair and fall on my face in reverence. Do not take this lightly. Let Him fill your heart and change your life!