Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from November 28, “You Can Be Too Rich”
We Continue our kingdom study with the account of the “rich young ruler” from Matthew 19:16-26. We’ve probably all heard some version of the saying, “You can’t be too rich or too thin.” We know one actually can be too thin, but can you be too rich? In our culture of envy, it certainly would seem that the answer is “yes,” but how much is too much? I’ll bet whatever that number is, it’s more than whatever people who believe that have. There’s no tangible indicator of “too rich,” because the problem is not in the possessions, but in the possessor. You are too rich if your possessions own you.
Jesus said that it is impossible for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven. This was astonishing to the disciples. After all, even the law taught that God would prosper those who obey Him. Riches were seen as a sign of God’s favor. Sometimes they were. If riches alone excluded one from the kingdom, then Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob didn’t make it either. The point is that no one can get in unless God makes a way. When questioned, Jesus said, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (v. 26)

Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from November 28, “You Can Be Too Rich” — No Comments
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