Message by Larry Thacker Jr from November 3, “What is Your Platform?”
Election season is almost over. The official election day is this Tuesday. If you have not taken advantage of early voting, I strongly urge you to check your Bible, then check your ballot. A few months ago, the political parties met to select their candidates, take care of party business, and produce a platform. The platform is the set of core principles and objective of the party, and it provides a standard by which one may learn the supposed values of a candidate running as a member of that party. If you have nothing else to go on, this can help you make good decisions.
But there is a bigger question that needs answering before you go to the polls. What is your platform? If you had to write out the principles that you believe should govern your life, what would they be? Is your platform stable, or will it collapse under the weight of real life? There is only one foundation strong enough to withstand the storms. That is, the Word of God. (Matthew 7:24-27)