Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from November 5, “Got It Through The Grape Vine”
We continue our study of John’s gospel with Chapter 15:1-11. In this chapter, we will see Jesus expand on the things He has been teaching on the night before His crucifixion. He has already set forth the expectation that his disciples should love and serve one another, that their love is evidenced by the keeping of His commandments, and that they will do even greater works by the authority of His name. This is all made possible by His coming work of redemption at the cross and the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus now uses the analogy of the grape vine to further illustrate what He has been teaching. He is the source of life. Those who belong to him draw their sustenance through Him, and thereby produce fruit. Fruit-bearing branches are pruned so that they will produce more. A branch that does not fruit will be cut off. Scholars may debate the meaning of this, but one thing is clear. The mark of a true disciple of Jesus is the bearing of fruit. Fruit is the evidence of His life within us. So, what does it mean to bear fruit? What does a fruitful Christian look like? We can look to Jesus to find the answers.