Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from November 8, “The King’s Heart”
I want to offer you a bit of encouragement. Things may not be looking so good right now. We still don’t know who the president will be. For many of us, that can cause a great deal of anxiety if we let it. Questions are being raised in cities across the country regarding ballot integrity. What does that mean for us? What kind of future will we have. People on both sides are convinced that the victory of the other candidate spells disaster. I confess to having some of that concern as well.
This is not the first time many of us have felt that way. Proverbs 21:1 says, “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He pleases.” (NASB) Certainly it matters who the president is. Certainly we have the responsibility to do all that we can to make sure the one who is closest to God’s values is elected. But we must not lose sight of these truths. No man or woman on earth is our savior. Only a return to the one and only true savior will save our nation. God is and will always be in control. Nothing happens without His permission.
We may be headed for a time of judgment. I have thought so for many years. How does a nation that slaughters the innocent in the womb escape God’s wrath? It cannot. Yet our God is merciful. If His people will humble themselves and pray, turn from their own wicked ways and seek His face, He will hear from Heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land. (2 Chr. 7:14) That message was given to Israel in the context of having already undergone God’s judgement, but it tells us that we serve a merciful God, willing and able to deliver us.
We have a president, not a king, but God is still king over him. As a child of God, you are part of God’s kingdom. You need have no fear. You can say along with the psalmist, “Yahweh is for me; I do not fear. What can mere humans do to me?” (Ps. 118:6 LEB)