Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from October 1, “God In You”
You may have heard someone say that God is in all of us. There is truth in that. It is God’s essence and power that sustains all of creation. But generally they mean to communicate something that leads to error. The teaching makes us all into our own gods, which could not be further from the truth.
There is a way to have God in you. It’s a promise that Jesus made to everyone who loves Him. He said that the Holy Spirit would be given to you. Because the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are in perfect unity, we can say that Jesus lives within us. He put it this way in John 14:23, ““If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our dwelling with him.”
We can draw strength from this knowledge as we encounter the trials of life. We can deepen this relationship as we seek to know Him more. He said that the evidence of our love is the keeping of His commandments. They are given to us for our good and for the good of those around us. As we seek to please Him because we love Him, that love grows stronger. We have them in our hands in the text of the scriptures. Let us have them in our hearts and in our deeds. Join us as we continue our study with John 14:18-24.