Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from October 2, “How to Have a Happy Heart”
Sep 29 |
Hello friends. I hope you’re enjoying the cooler weather. I sure am. Walks are so much more pleasant in the morning. God is Good. It will be a great day for the fair starting tomorrow. Other places haven’t had it so nice though. Pray for those affected by the storm in Florida.
I love the book of Proverbs. The older I get, the more I see the truth in them. But I still run across some that puzzle me. One of those was Proverbs 15:15, which reads, “All the days of the afflicted are bad, but a cheerful heart has a continual feast.”
At first I thought, “Well that’s depressing.” What does it mean? It almost sounds like the “afflicted” are doomed! But then one day the light came on. The Lord let me see that this proverb is really about the condition of the heart, whatever the circumstance. How do you think about your circumstances? Do you dwell on the problems and expect the worst? Do you fret over the future and ponder over the past? Or, do you reflect on the blessings of the Lord? Do you look at every challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow? Do you trust the Lord when He says that he has your good in mind? Which outlook do you think will bring the most joy? If you have an attitude of affliction, all of your days will be bad. If you choose the joy of the Lord instead, you will feast at His table for eternity.