Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from October 23, “In The Beginning Was The Word”
We sing about Jesus. We often pray to Jesus. We end our prayers in Jesus’s name. We talk about knowing Jesus, but sometimes I wonder if many who go by the name Christian really get who Jesus is. I dare say we all picture Him as less than what He is most of the time.
Our pictures certainly do not depict Him as He is now, and most are not even close to what he probably looked like while He was here. Turn to Chapter 1 of Revelation to get as close as we are likely to get to what He might look like if he appeared today. What we need to understand is who He is. For that we can turn to the Gospel of John. John opens his account with this, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Know this, and everything else falls into place. May the Word open our hearts.