Message by Larry Thacker Jr from September 15, “Teach Us to Pray”
We serve a good God. In fact, He is the very definition of good. I am so thankful that He loved us so much that He made a way for us to be part of his family. As His children, we can come right to the throne of almighty God! ! Do you ever stop to think how amazing that is? For us still living here, that’s metaphorical, made possible by Holy Spirit, but some day it will be actual! Lord, may that day soon come!
We could save ourselves so much disappointment and heartache if we could grasp this one thing. Prayer is not a tool to get what we want from God. If Jesus’s instruction through what we call the Lord’s prayer is taken as example, the first priority of prayer is to recognize the holiness of God, and the second is to align ourselves with His will. Only then do we come to the petition part. We tend to make prayer more complicated than it is. Just open your heart and talk to Him. He already knows what you need and everything about you, and He still loves you! In this message, we’ll take a closer look at the “Lord’s prayer” and the other things Jesus said as He gave it to us. I’m praying that you will be blessed by it.