Message by Larry Thacker Jr from September 22, “The Part We Leave Out”
It’s still pretty easy to call yourself a Christian in the U.S. You may experience some ridicule from time to time and even some real persecution, but most of us can expect little pushback for declaring our religion. I wonder if that’s a good thing. Maybe it means we aren’t different enough from the world around us for it to matter that much to them. The pitch we make to get people to join us sure doesn’t sound much like what Jesus told His would-be followers.
If Jesus were preaching in our streets today, I don’t think he’d be invited to many seminars on how to draw a crowd. He said things like, (highly paraphrased from Luke 14:25-35) “If you want to follow me, you have to hate your family, march toward your own death with the implement of your torture on your back, count the costs and decide whether you can really do it, surrender to a greater power, and give up everything you have.” Where do I sign up?
The Gospel is truly good news! It is a wonder and a joy to know that the creator of the universe came and lived among us, subjected Himself to a horrible death on our behalf, and then rose from the grave that He might give us life. We should loudly and joyfully proclaim it to everyone who will listen. But we seem to think we need to soften the message. We want to relegate the hard parts to the find print in hopes that we can close the deal. A life committed to Jesus will not be easy, but it will be worth it. We may be assured that wen we set our feet upon the narrow path, He will always be there to make sure we reach the destination.