Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from September 26, “The Mysteries of the Kingdom”
The next passage in our study is Matthew 13:10-17. It’s between the parable of the sower and its explanation. The disciples want to know why Jesus speaks to the crowd in parables. I always found His answer puzzling, and a little harsh. But there are things I know about Jesus. I know that he loves us so much that He died for us. I know that His desire would be that everyone repent and follow him. So why would he obscure his message for some and not for a select few?
It always comes down to this, that He knows the heart of every person. Will we be among the clueless crowd, following the spectacle or wanting to be part of the next big thing? Will we be one of the disciples, following Him and taking His teaching to heart? The crowd will never understand the truth no matter how often they hear it. The disciple will learn “the mysteries the kingdom” of Heaven!