Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from September 27, “God Doesn’t Do Social Distancing”
Proverbs 18:1 reads, “He who separates himself seeks his own desire, He quarrels against all sound wisdom.” (NASB) Based on the significant differences in translation, I think the Proverbs are one of the most difficult things to translate from the original language. They often rely heavily on the cultural background and thought processes of the people to which they are addressed. This is a challenge in all translation, but it becomes most evident in the proverbs. Just look at the wide variation among the many versions provided by Bible Gateway. Three points can be made from just about all the attempts at rendering this verse in a way we understand today. The isolation being warned against is that which we choose. This choice is a selfish one. This choice is a rejection of wisdom and good judgment. God meant for us to be in community with each other and with Him. Nothing good comes from working against His design.