Message by Larry Thacker Jr from september 29, “Heaven’s Rewards”
I felt like we all could use some encouragement this week. As I was praying, i remembered some of the instances when Jesus talked about our rewards. Even after studying it, I am not sure how to think about rewards from God. If you asked me, I would say that He is our reward. What more could we want but eternity in His presence, being involved in His next big thing. And besides, a reward is something you get for something you did. We all know that we cannot earn salvation, so what are these rewards? I still don’t have a clear answer for that, but I know that they exist, because Jesus talked about them, and His disciples did too.
I am certain of this. However small you may think your contribution to be, God see it. His accounting is different than ours, so you might be surprised at his assessment of what you have done. However you may feel that what you do goes unnoticed, God sees, and he will reward you. Besides, if you are doing it to be seen, Jesus says you already have all the reward you’re going to get.
Not even a simple act of kindness like giving someone a cup of cold water in service to our Lord goes unnoticed. We’re not necessarily working for the rewards, but they come as evidence that He is pleased with us, and that’s a wonderful thing. There is so much we could talk about, but since we don’t have all day, I’ll stick to Matthew 10:44-22 and bring in just a few other things.