Message by Larry Thackr Jr from June 9, “The Road to Redemption”
If you’ve been involved in church a while, you may have heard someone make mention of the proper procedure for dealing with someone who has wronged you drawn from Matthew 18. It is of course a sound approach, but it takes on much more gravity when we consider the context in which Jesus gave it to us. The most important thing to know about it is that its purpose is redemptive. The goal, stated simply in verse 15, is to “have won your brother.”
As we continue to rebuild, I want to shore up our foundation by bringing to mind some basic principles that should inform the choices we make, particularly with regard to sinful behavior and the conflicts that inevitably arise among us imperfect people. We read Matthew 18:15-20, but it will be helpful to have read the entire chapter and have it in front of you as you listen. It all fits together.