Message by Pastor David Whitmore for April 1: Christ Was Not Stolen; He Is Alive!
This Sunday we look at that first Easter morning when Mary came to visit the grave site. The scripture verses are in the Gospel of John 20:1-18. There is so much going on in these scriptures, Mary sees the stone rolled away and runs and tells Peter & John, they came running and see the linen clothes laying in the tomb. They leave discouraged to go back where they came from, Mary sees the angels in the tomb then Jesus appears to her and she did not recognize him till he called her by name. This is not what they expected but it is what God planned. We look at the reactions of Mary as she finally realizes that no one stole the body of Jesus but that he was alive again just as he said he would be.
Publisher note: Above excerpted from the pastor’s original intro. I apologize for the poorer than usual quality of the recording. Having forgotten to pack my digital recorder I used the voice memo app that comes on the iPhone. – Larry