Message by Pastor David Whitmore for January 14: Are You Listening?
This message is out of 1 Samuel 3 1-10.. This is the story of Samuel and how God called him in his sleep.. The first 3 times Samuel did not realize it was God calling him till Eli told him to say to the voice “Speak, for your servant is listing”.. so many times we hear but are we listing? I cannot tell you how important it is to be a good listener.. We need to be good listeners to others and especially to God.. Many times when we pray we say the same thing over and over just out of habit and have a tendency to tell God what He needs to do for us and when He needs to do it.. We rarely ask God what He thinks we need and we rarely listen for God’s answer when we do.. We have made up our minds what needs to happen then we are surprised that things don’t work out.. When we learn to hear God? God speaks to us in many ways but to hear God you have to be open to how he speaks to us.. Maybe it will be through a scripture you read or a song you hear, maybe it will be in a dream or maybe he will just bring something to mind.. However God speaks to you we need to listen because God has a plan for you and things for you to do that you could not imagine you could do.. Trust God and listen to Him and learn to really listen to others.
(Adapted from the pastor’s introduction)