Message by Pastor David Whitmore for March 12: You Must Be Born Again
Would you want to be born again physically? Would you like a do over? What would you do different? I believe we all could do better the second time around if we had the chance, but when Jesus talks about being born again he is talking about spiritually. He made it very clear in order to enter the Kingdom of God you must be born again spiritually. Jesus says we all are in need of this rebirth, this start over, this second chance. It is only because of God’s grace and mercy we have this chance to be born again but it is something we will have to choose to do. No one can choose it for you and God will not force you to accept it, it is a choice you will have to make. Many think that they can be good enough to earn heaven, people like Nicodemus, who was really good by the world’s standard but he was not good enough to save himself.
Excerpted from Pastor David’s introduction.