Message for December 12 by Pastor David Whitmore: Hope Through the Tough Times
“This week I want to begin the Christmas story in Luke the 1st chapter vs 26-38. This is the time an Angel comes to Mary and tells her she will give birth to the baby Jesus even though she had never been with a man. As we celebrate Christmas this year many of you are going through some tough times. As I was thinking about our family, Christmas will be hard to celebrate after just losing Priscilla Mom and Dad. Even though we are hurting we can still have hope and still get through these hard times if we hear God, obey God’s will and Trust in his power. That is what Mary had to do to overcome everything that was happening to her. I want us to look at these verses this week and kind of stand in the sandals of Mary as she has to make some very hard choices but in the end Mary says “here am I Lord I am your servant. Let it be to me according to your word.” I hope we can have that attitude as we go through this Christmas season.”