Message for November 27 by Larry Thacker Jr.: When God Prayed for You
We begin in John 17. Jesus has just been sharing with His disciples prior to His crucifixion. He ends his instruction with this prayer for the disciples. But it wasn’t just for them that He was praying. He says in verse 20, “I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word;” So, if this is the prayer that God the Sun prayed to God the Father on our behalf, we might want to pay particular attention to what He said in it. For the sake of time we’ll focus on verses 20-26, but I urge you to read the whole chapter for context. There’s way too much here to cover in 30 minutes, but I think we can get some very important truths in the time we have. Listen as we look into this unique and amazing prayer.