Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from October 24, "Little Things"
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We continue our study with Matthew 13:31-33. Here, Jesus uses two analogies to describe the kingdom of Heaven. We cover them as one because their message is similar. When we imagine a conquering king, we see someone big, bold, and …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from October 10, "Don't Get Smoked"
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Continuing with our kingdom study. We look at the parable of the weeds among the wheat, found in Matthew 13:24-30, and its explanation in Matthew 13:37-43.
Pastor Jay’s remarks at the dedication of our newly remodeled kitchen in memory of Ruth Stephens, who could always be found there serving others, and Jerry Gibson, who donated the funds and was a friend to this church for many …Continue reading →
Homecoming Message 2021, "Rebuilding with Purpose"
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We begin with a brief history of the church presented by Priscilla Whitmore. Then Pastor Larry Thacker Jr. shares a vision for our future built around the account of the rebuilding of Jerusalem found in the book of Nehemiah.
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from September 26, "The Mysteries of the Kingdom"
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The next passage in our study is Matthew 13:10-17. It’s between the parable of the sower and its explanation. The disciples want to know why Jesus speaks to the crowd in parables. I always found His answer puzzling, and a …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from September 19, "A Superior Kingdom"
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We continue on with our study of references to God’s kingdom. This TIME we will be in Matthew 12:22-29, but it will be helpful to read through the end of the chapter. Jesus casts out a demon and the man …Continue reading →
This is the audio from the memorial service held at the church on September 12, 2021. The copyrighted music has been edited out and an attempt has been made to make the testimonials easier to hear. The enhancement gives the …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. from September 5, "Violence in God's Kingdom?"
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The next passage in our study is Matthew 11:11-15. the Disciples of John the Baptists have just come to Jesus on John’s behalf to ask if he’s really the one or if they should be looking for someone else. John …Continue reading →