Homecoming 2019 Part 1, featuring Still Blessed

This time we have recorded the entire service. This segment features our guest performers, Still Blessed.
Continue reading →This time we have recorded the entire service. This segment features our guest performers, Still Blessed.
Continue reading →In the previous message, I shared from the story of Jesus’s interaction with the man we know as the “rich young ruler.” In Mark’s gospel, the narrative ends with this statement, “But many who are first will be last, and … Continue reading →
We consider a familiar story, that of the “rich young ruler.” This is the man who came to Jesus asking what else he needed to do to gain eternal life. Jesus’s answer was too much for the young man, and … Continue reading →
Priscilla reads from scripture to encourage us in times of trouble. She shares from her heart in light of recent events.
Continue reading →I suspect there have been more sermons about Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) in our congregation than just about any other part of scripture. The name makes it inevitable. But I am going to put you through one more, because there’s something … Continue reading →
Linda offers inspiration drawn from the life of Christina Meredith, who shows us that our circumstances do not define us. The first half of the podcast is an interview from the Huckabee show from the video clip that she showed.
Continue reading →In this message, I take on a subject that seems to have a lot of confusion around it. In Hebrews 12:4-13, we are told that God disciplines those whom He loves. Translations vary, but the idea of punishment is clearly … Continue reading →
We are all facing challenges that can sometimes get us down. We know all the right answers, but sometimes they don’t seem to be enough. How can we “rejoice always” as Paul instructs us to do in 1 Thessalonians 5:16? … Continue reading →
Priscilla responds to the most recent shooting events with a plea for the church to fulfill its calling.
Continue reading →What is our response to sin? What is a sin leading to death? How do we know who belongs to God and who does not? These are some of the questions addressed by our study from 1 John 5:13-21.
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