Sunday School by Priscilla Whitmore from May 5

Pricilla teaches us to leave the past behind, commit ourselves to the Lord, and move into His future. (Edited to protect the privacy of participants.)
Continue reading →Pricilla teaches us to leave the past behind, commit ourselves to the Lord, and move into His future. (Edited to protect the privacy of participants.)
Continue reading →When our power source is the power that created the universe, is there ever room for “I can’t?” Maybe, but not when it comes to doing what He wants you to do, whether it involves something He’s given you specifically … Continue reading →
Sometimes those of us raised in church can have a harder time with grace and humility than those who were not. We imagine that we’ve got this. Then, something puts us in our place. Temptation, fear, disappointment; the reasons are … Continue reading →
Priscilla speaks of Jesus’ sacrifice and our response to it. We’re sorry for getting the recording started a bit late.
Continue reading →On what we call Palm Sunday, we celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem amid worshiping crowds, waiving palm branches IN salute of the one they probably imagined was about to topple the Roman rulers and restore Israel to … Continue reading →
Words matter! What we say has meaning and consequence and we are admonished by God’s word not to use our words carelessly. James tells us that the tongue sets the course of our lives. Jesus tells us that our words … Continue reading →
In this message I shut down some vicious lies with a central truth. You are not who the world says you are. You are not even who you you think you are. You are who God says you are! It … Continue reading →
This message was delivered as part of a service dedicated to the memory of two recently departed church members. John Beaty and Lisa Garza. I spoke from John 11:25-26. We’re dropping in on a conversation that Jesus is having with … Continue reading →
In memory of long-time member Lisa Garza, we are sharing this interview done by the late Pastor David Whitmore as he went through every member in our small congregation, helping us all to get to know and appreciate each other.
Continue reading →In honor of a recently departed long-time member of our church, we-re reposting this short interview. We miss you, Big John. You couldn’t say much, but your enthusiasm and smile blessed us all. We imagine you, complete with cowboy hat … Continue reading →