Sunday School by Priscilla Whitmore from September 23

Priscilla encourages us to put our trust in God and then ends with this song.
Continue reading →Priscilla encourages us to put our trust in God and then ends with this song.
Continue reading →I speak from Luke 19:11-27. This is a very similar story to the one in Matthew 25:14-30 that most of us are probably more familiar with, but there are some interesting differences. I talk about them and about what Jesus … Continue reading →
Linda teaches us to keep our focus on the Solution rather than our problems. She starts with an inspiring speech by Claire Wineland, a young woman with cystic fibrosis. The audio was extracted for the podcast but you can see … Continue reading →
Pastor Jay preaches from the book of Ruth about a homecoming that changed the world. As we close the service, Pastor Larry expresses his hopes for the future of Bartimaeus Baptist Temple.
Continue reading →I asked Priscilla to do the presentation for homecoming of a brief retelling of the church’s history this year. We all feel the loss of Pastor David, and I knew she’d be the one to share meaningfully and more completely … Continue reading →
Sometimes we are not as careful with our words as we should be. God calls us to a higher standard. We are His representatives. Everything we do and say should be a reflection of His character. Our mission, wherever we … Continue reading →
Forgiveness is not easy. Sometimes it is really hard. It seems unnatural to us. Why should someone who has wronged us be allowed to get away with it? I’ll tell you why. Because we have been forgiven by God, and … Continue reading →
Priscilla shares a song and speaks of God’s care for us. If you like the song, you can buy a quality recording from Amazon or search for it on your music service of choice. Here’s the official video.
Continue reading →I pick up where we left off last week, moving into the 10th chapter of John. Jesus is still speaking after he has healed the man born blind and revealed to him Who it is who has don it. This … Continue reading →
Linda teaches of God’s care for us as she tells us the remarkable story behind the well-loved song, “His Eye is On the Sparrow.”
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