Message by Pastor David Whitmore for November 6: Are You Asking Honest Questions?
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In Luke the 10Th chapter vs 25-37 an attorney comes to ask Jesus a question. The problem is it was not an honest question it was a question trying to make Jesus incriminate himself to the Jewish people listing. Do …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. for September 30: Holy halloween Hullabaloo
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In this podcast, we’ll look at the origin and history of Halloween and then consider how the teaching in God’s word can be applied to it. What if anything should a Christian have to do with it?
Sunday School by Linda Thacker for October 30: Think for a Change
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Linda presents a timely lesson on applying our minds to the choices we must make this election season. Watch the video at this link first to get the full impact of what she has to say.
Message by Pastor David Whitmore for October 23: Hang On, There is Help Coming
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Paul writes to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4: 6-8 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” That is my encouragement for you, don’t give up when things get hard, know that …Continue reading →
Message by Larry Thacker Jr. for October 16: If My People
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If you can stand to watch the news, it paints a pretty bleak picture of the world we live in. The things that are happening in our own country can be depressing if one doesn’t keep the right perspective. When …Continue reading →
During the Sunday school segment of our service, Linda interviewed our second student who has come to us by way of the Agape Project at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Message by Pastor David Whitmore for October 9: Be Thankful
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We need to be so thankful for all people do for us, but even more for what God is doing for us. When I think about saying thanks I always think about the story in Luke the 17Th chapter vs …Continue reading →
From the account of Jesus walking on the water and Peter coming out to Him, Priscilla teaches us to keep our focus on Jesus and not on the storms of life that distract us.