Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of April 1
He is risen! Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Lupe rejoices that her feet are not swelling anymore after a medication change. Bobbie, Leanne’s mother, rejoices to be feeling well and to be able to be with us fir the first time in many years. Dede thanks the Lord that she is safe after someone came into her house last night. Anita thanks the Lord for a good report from her doctor. Kimi is thankful to get to see a friend before she passed away. Keep the Lindsay family in your prayers. Cathy thanks the Lord an acquaintance Brenda is doing well after some medical problems. Leanne is thankful that she is doing better in school and that her hearing is returning.
Kimi is experiencing more pain in her leg. Don’s kidneys have deteriorated further. Brenda thanks God that her mom is doing better. Debra is out with pain and asks prayer. Leanne is having trouble with her shoulder. Keep praying for Shelly and Clarke. Lupe asks prayer for her family. Pray especially for Jesus. Dede asks prayer for a cousin Tammy who lost her son last week. Linda G. Asks prayer for her friend Yolanda. Pray for Lisa’s health. Anita is still having trouble breathing. Cathy asks prayer for herself and Ruth.
Share our risen Lord this week!