Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of April 16
He is Risen! Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Ruth rejoices that she is well enough to be here today and that her cousin in Georgia is doing well. Kim is thankful for her parents and all they have been doing for her. Kelly says she keeps getting better and is walking on a walker some. Pam thanks the Lord for His blessings. Galen is thankful for the church. Didi is thankful for the people who have helped her as she works through her problem. Anita is thankful to be getting better. Lisa thanks Priscilla for getting them to church and helping with Jane. Priscilla is thankful for the blessing of getting to care for Pastor David’s and then her parents. She is now able to see the rewards that came from it. Pam and all of us are thankful for what Don and Brenda do for the people in the church.
Kim prays for a friend Laura who lost her father. Kelly prays to see her sister. Keep praying for Shelly. Priscilla prays for a friend, Kathy who has lost her father. She also wants us to pray for Ruth and Cathy as this is the time of year when they lost loved ones. Didi asks that we pray for the people who live around her. Keep praying for her living situation to improve. Pam asks us to pray for Vicki who couldn’t come due to a health issue. Pray also for Michelle to find what she needs. Teresa has an unspoken request.
Be a source of life this week!