Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of April 21
He is Risen! Rejoice with us and pray with us.
It’s good to have most everyone back with us today. Even Teresa made it. April looks forward to enjoying time with family this evening. Mary enjoyed family time at Travis’ birthday last weekend. Rachel got new glasses. Nina, Barbara’s friend that we have been praying for, got new lungs and is improving. Debra is happy for her mom getting a new dog that is lifting her spirits. Ruth thanks the Lord for Cathy. Kimi thanks everyone for their prayers and is thankful for Priscilla. Cindy is thankful that Tim is doing better and that they have a treatment plan to prevent further seizures.
Edith has a cardiologist appointment tomorrow and prays for a good report. Cathy also has an appointment tomorrow. Leann has an unspoken request and prays for health for her family. Pray for Mary and her children. Anita asks prayer for her son and her aunt and their families. April prays for the welfare of our church and for her friend who was in an accident. She asks prayer for a friend named Ray who is a pastor facing unspecified challenges. Edith asks that we pray for two of her neighbors facing health challenges. Cindy asks prayer for Rachel as she continues to improve in school. Keep praying for the helth of Linda, Kimi, Anita, and Don. Larry is having some pain.
He is risen! May His life flow through you this week!