Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of April 22
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Edith got better glasses. Debra is here and feeling much better after adjustments to her treatment. Linda G is thankful to have found some friends where she lives. Kelly is thankful to have an aid. Kimi rejoices in God’s provision even through her pain. Pastor David reports that Tim was responsive when he visited him on Friday. Dede is thankful for everyone who has been helping her from the church. Mrs. Fox gets to move on Thursday. Lisa is thankful for Brenda’s help yesterday. Cathy enjoyed time with friends. Pam is thankful for God’s protection when a car almost hit her last week.
Kelvin asks prayer for Peter who has cancer. Kimi asks prayer for the Lindsay family still suffering from the loss of a loved one. Kimi and Priscilla are both fighting pain. Debra asks prayer to heal relationships. Pray for peace and wisdom in her home. Brenda asks prayer for her situation at work. She asks prayer for Ben, a relative fighting pneumonia. Lupe’s great granddaughter was sent to suicide counselling last week and other issues were uncovered. Linda G prays to get into a situation where she can get rehab to stand. Anita asks us to keep praying for her and for her aunt.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!