Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of April 8
Pray with us and rejoice with us over what God has done.
Keep praying for Tim. The effects of the stroke were severe. Cindy reported that he is beginning to improve and will start therapy tomorrow. Anita asks prayer for Darius who has been hospitalized but I missed the details. Pray for peace and healing inside and out for Linda G. Pastor David asks that we pray for marissa, a coworker who just had a baby, Micky, who has some health problems. Keep praying for Dede. Lisa prays for healing.
Ruth is thankful for her children who care for her. Mrs. Fox now has a move date into her apartment. Dede thanks the Lord for answered prayer for a friend in jail. Pray for Walter that he stays right and finds Jesus. Brenda asks prayer for friends Billie who is not well. Pray for Edith. Keep praying for Debra. She is out with pain again. Linda G asks prayer for her daughter Yolanda.
I had trouble keeping up today so feel free to fill in on the comment section.